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(293/308) 1891 - GitPlugin on macOS has several isssues #1: Missing or Wrong Status indicator

Sorry, but I do not have much useful data to add as the activity protocol doesn't show anything. Maybe someone can instruct me how to retrieve information you require?

OS: macOS 10.12.6
java: 1.8.0_151
jEdit Version: 5.4.0
GitPlugin: 0.7.1
Project Viewer: 3.5.3
git version 2.13.5 (Apple Git-94)

1) When I import a Git directory into Project Viewer, I have no status indicators at all.
2) When I edit and save a file, the status indictor is shown in green. I think that's the wrong color, isnÄt it?

Submitted ngc - 2017-10-25 08:33:35.141000 Assigned daleanson
Priority 5 Labels GitPlugin
Status open Group
Resolution None


2017-10-26 15:23:10.598000

Please change in

public static final int UNMODIFIED = 0; // green


public static final int UNMODIFIED = 9; // green

This will ensure that every tracked file gets a full green icon when it wasn't touched. At the moment it won't get any icon at all. This is due to the fact that UNMODIFIED * 10 + UNMODIFIED = 0 at the moment and this happens to be the same value as "VC_STATUS_NORMAL", Setting "UNMODIFIED" to 9 makes sure we will never accidently get 0.

2017-10-26 22:07:51.480000

I've also changed now the creation of the icon. I personally find it easier to distinguish the combined icons when the separation is diagonally and not vertically. Especially the yellow icons are hard to recognize when you have a white background.

How can I file a pull request?

2017-10-27 01:24:41.018000

Can you attach a patch? I'd like to see the icons with the diagonal separation.

2017-10-27 01:40:28.772000

Oh, wait, I see the icons are actual image files, not generated. Can you just attach the image files?

Also, I don't know how you would file a pull request. I'm not much of a git user, most things I work on are using svn. Maybe someone else can answer that question. In the mean time, if you attach the image files here, I can get them put in the right place.

And last, I made your change of UNMODIFIED=9 in my local code, and I do like that better.

2017-10-27 08:12:33.688000

Hi Dale. I cannot atache the images as I changed the code. No more images required. The icons are actually drawn.

But do give you an impression, please see attached screenshot.

I also changed the colors a bit. But see my next other post for that.

Bildschirmfoto%202017-10-27%20um%2010.14.03.png (27.3Kio)

2017-10-27 08:13:23.463000

P.S. I also just managed to add color options to the option pane of the Git Plugin.

I think it could be worth a V0.8 ;)

2017-11-14 04:56:17.993000

- **assigned_to**: Dale Anson
- **Group**: -->